Recycling in the UK: how are businesses doing?


Businesses across the country are making an effort to go green, but there’s still a long road ahead

Every business in the UK has a responsibility to protect the environment, and that means putting clear sustainable measures in place. The push towards sustainability is an ongoing battle, one that’s taking place on a business, national, and international level.

And a huge part of any sustainability effort is recycling. Businesses across all industries are adopting stringent recycling practices in an effort to meet green goals and save on costs and waste. 

But how are UK businesses doing when it comes to meeting recycling expectations, and how much further do industries need to go to truly go green? Let’s take a look.

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Sustainable success

Certain sectors, particularly retail and manufacturing, have shown significant progress. Major retailers have adopted comprehensive recycling programs, reducing packaging waste and encouraging consumers to participate in recycling initiatives. Manufacturing companies have integrated recycling into their supply chains, reusing materials and minimising waste.

One example of this comes from Rushden Lakes Retail Park, where huge recycling efforts have been put in place. Over the last 12 months, the food and beverage outlets have collectively cut waste vehicle collections by over 90%, and doubled their overall recycling.

Challenges and barriers

Despite many successes, challenges persist. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often struggle with the costs and logistics of implementing robust recycling programmes. Additionally, a lack of awareness and education about recycling practices hinders progress in some sectors. 

The hospitality industry, for instance, faces unique challenges due to the high volume and variability of waste generated. The Waste and Resources Action Programme lists single-use straws, water bottles, plastic cutlery, and polystyrene takeaway boxes as some of the biggest contributors to hospitality waste.

Innovation and technology

Innovative technological solutions are being developed in response to recycling challenges and hurdles. Tech such as waste sorting robots and advanced recycling facilities are on the rise, giving businesses more support when it comes to managing waste effectively.

Innovation is also taking place on an infrastructural level, with businesses such as Charkpak embracing a circular economy whereby plastic waste is collected, reprocessed, and remanufactured, to cut out the plastic being sent to landfill.

Policies and public awareness

While the government’s commitment to Net Zero has flip-flopped in recent months, there are still various policies and incentives in place to encourage business recycling. These include landfill tax escalators, producer responsibility regulations, and grants for businesses adopting green practices.

This reflects a growing demand for sustainable products amongst today’s consumers. Forbes reports that consumers across all generations – from Baby Boomers to Gen Z – are now more willing to spend more on sustainable products, with 90% of Gen X saying they’ll spend as much as 10% more for greener brands.

Ambitious targets with mixed results

The UK has set ambitious recycling targets in line with its commitment to the European Union's directives and its own environmental goals. Chief among these is Net Zero – the aim to be completely carbon neutral by 2050. While there are many other factors that contribute to carbon emissions, there is no doubt that effective waste management and reduction have a role to play in minimising an organisation’s carbon footprint. 

A green future?

Looking forward, the trajectory for business recycling in the UK is cautiously optimistic. With technological advancements, increasing government support, and growing public awareness, more businesses are expected to enhance their recycling efforts. 

However, continued investment and innovation are necessary to overcome existing barriers and ensure that all sectors can contribute effectively to the UK's recycling goals. Finding the right waste management services for your business can give you peace of mind that you’re doing all you can.

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