Why you can’t afford to ignore your leaky taps


A leaky tap might seem like a small issue, but over time to costs can rack up

With a new year ahead of us, business owners across all industries are setting out their aims for the next twelve months. From productivity to cost-cutting to sustainability, organisations are planning significant changes, but sometimes small improvements can make a big difference.

Something as simple as fixing a leaky tap can help you on your way to a more cost effective, environmentally friendly business structure as. Ignoring leaky taps can lead to substantial financial and environmental costs over time, so simply ignoring the problem is never the answer.  

Here’s why addressing these simple issues is a matter of not just basic maintenance, but of responsible business management.

water business supply

The financial implications of a leaky tap

Escalating water bills

Leaky taps contribute to an unnoticed increase in water consumption. In fact, according to Water UK, a single dripping tap can waste up to 5,500 litres of water a year, leading to unexpectedly high water bills. For businesses, especially those with multiple facilities, the cumulative effect can be substantial.

Repair and damage costs

Ignored issues only worsen over time. Neglecting a leaky tap can lead to more serious plumbing issues in the long run, with persistent leaks causing damage to sinks and surfaces and leading to expensive repair and replacement costs. Additionally, the dampness caused by leaks can encourage mould growth, which can be costly to eradicate and pose health risks.

The environmental impact

Water waste

Water is a precious resource, and its conservation is crucial for environmental sustainability. Businesses have a responsibility to the environment, and ignoring water wastage conflicts with the principles of corporate social responsibility. Addressing leaky taps is a small but significant step towards reducing a business's environmental footprint.

Contributing to local water stress

According to research by Kingfisher – owner of B&Q and Screwfix – 17 UK regions will experience significant water stress by 2030. Businesses that ignore leaky taps contribute to this problem, exacerbating the strain on local water resources. By fixing leaks, businesses can play a part in supporting local water conservation efforts.

Legal and compliance issues

Adhering to water regulations

The UK has stringent water regulations, and businesses are required to ensure that their premises are compliant. Ignoring leaky taps can put businesses at risk of violating these regulations, potentially leading to fines and legal challenges.

Maintaining public and corporate image


Customer perceptions

Today's consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious. Businesses that ignore basic environmental responsibilities, like fixing leaky taps, risk damaging their public image. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can enhance a business's reputation and appeal to a broader customer base.

Employee morale

Employees are more likely to take pride in working for a company that demonstrates a commitment to sustainability. Addressing small issues like leaky taps can boost employee morale by showing you care about your business’ environmental impact, as well as the general workplace environment quality.

water business supply

Taking steps towards better water management

Addressing leaky taps is one small step towards more effective water management, avoiding financial, environmental, and reputational repercussions. It may seem like an insignificant issue, but over time simple measures like regular maintenance checks and immediate repairs can help you save money, contribute to sustainability efforts, and comply with regulations.

As well as addressing leaks and issues, you should also make time to explore the business water supplier options available to your organisation. Find a supplier that meets your needs in terms of costs, customer support, and hitting green targets, and enjoy long term business benefits.

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Get in touch with Everflow today

Looking for a sustainable water supply for your business? Get in touch with Everflow today to find out how we can support your organisation